AMPO Ouagadougou

Monthly diary


This month we would like to introduce two women who have seized the opportunity of a microcredit to pursue an income-generating activity and thus feed their children:

Mme DAOUROU is a widow and mother of three children. With the microcredit she was able to start selling fruit juice from home and at schools. Her income supports her family.

Mme SEBGO is the mother of two children. Her husband is unemployed.  In order to survive she takes in washing, going from door to door, offering her services. She heard about the possibility of applying for a microcredit through AMPO P.P.FILLES. After a means test she was given the credit.

She used the money to open a small outlet selling street-food. With her income she can now pay for her children to go to school and cover her daily expenditure.

Frau DAOUROU Hentezounou

Frau SEBGO Rosalie


We have prepared the soil in our garden to plant lemongrass. Our goal was to increase productivity in line with demand. We planted more than 200 lemongrass plants. The educators were there to make sure everything went according to plan. The women of MIA/ALMA are now looking forward to a bumper crop.

AMPO Orphanage for boys

Apart from our major activities centred around school and training, we always have time to focus on play.

Among the favourite hobbies of the boys is circus performance. During their training they learn acrobatics, trapeze skills, juggling, bicycle tricks, but most of all they have fun! Wednesday is the favourite day of the week, the day when it is all about circus.

AMPO Orphanage for girls

This year both Christian and Muslim fasting periods overlapped for a few days. The girls at the orphanage were competing with each other when it came to observing the principles of fasting, like sharing, penance, praying, avoiding insulting language.

The children get up very early in the morning to pray and to eat before the fast begins. They are supported by the team of educators, the imam (for the Muslims) and the vicar (for the Christians). Breaking the fast in the evening is a time of great joy and relief. They eat dates and drink locally produced iced juice before eating warm rice.

On the day of Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan, the girls prepare themselves to go for prayers on the large square in front of the mosque.

After prayers it’s time for the children to play. Some listen to music, others watch television to bridge the gap until lunch when they all sit down together happily to eat.


Jacques is the champion !!!

Jacques has been working for AMPO since we opened Tond Nao, the wheelchair workshop. He is one of four welders. Out of the workplace he is a passionate sportsman. Long before he came to AMPO he took part in national and international championships.

On Saturday the 30th of April he put his talents to the test once more at the light athletic championships in Bobo-Dioulasso. He took part in the 100 metre and the 1500 metre races becoming first among the eight finalists.

He proudly showed his medals to our AMPO Director General,  Dénis Yameogo, who congratulated him and encouraged him to keep on going from strength to strength.

Jacques is the living proof that a physical handicap is not a cruel twist of fate.

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