The good
is never lost

Give everything every day.
For children in need.

and change lives.

Save the world!

Katrin Rohde

AMPO Facilities

A child can become anything, but only if it can first be a child. Sponsor a child

AMPO Orphanages

Refuge for abandoned girls

AMPO - Social Services

Agricultural college and organic farm

Training kitchen and restaurant

Wheelchair project

Mobile wheelchair project

AMPO Clinic

AMPOmed.aid -
Medical aid for children in need

Training facilities

Association of former AMPO children

Who we are

The purpose of our Association is to support the facilities of AMPO, Association Managré Nooma pour la protection des orphelins (Association for the protection of orphans) in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. We assist children who are orphans or half-orphans, offering them protection, food, accommodation, schooling and psychological support. Another AMPO facility is there to assist young women who have been driven out of their villages, providing them with a fresh start and enabling them to lead independent lives. Our mission is therefore to promote education, integration, courage and strength towards a life of self-determination. . ...Mission statement

News from the world of AMPO

Training in the hospitality sector - Can dreams come true?

Katrin has come up with a great idea:

These three young women would love to start training in the hotel business here in Germany and Katrin spontaneously invited them for coffee to a luxury hotel newly opened in Ouagadougou.

What is a modern reception area, what is it like to step into an elevator, what does the huge lobby look like, etc.? You can see the gleam and the hope in their eyes.

We are doing all we can to make their dreams come true.

We bid farewell

Last weekend we received the sad news that Madame Christine Adamou,  who for many years had been Director of the Girls‘ Orphanage, passed away unexpectedly.

She was a remarkable woman who truly understood the needs of the girls in her charge.

Our thoughts are with her family.

May God bless her.

Tradition in Burkina – building a crib

Christmas is on the doorstep and in Burkina Faso the tradition is to build a crib in front of your house. No, they are not simply made of wood – they are built with love using bricks and cement.

Once dry, they are painted in bright colours. We have just received these photos and video clips from AMPO. It is always a big event for all the kids. Everyone lends a hand ... or just stands to watch.

For and against – unpacking donations from the container

We would like to show you some examples of the things AMPO has received as donations. There were hundreds of boxes packed with love with hand-knitted blankets, matinee jackets for children, toys and even handcream to soothe the hands of the hard-working cooks.

Not to mention, medical supplies, glasses, orthoses, wheelchairs, etc.

The container has arrived!

Dear donors,

For those among you who have donated in kind, your donations have arrived. Everyone involved is on tenterhooks, wondering if it will all go according to plan, Loading in Hamburg was delayed by several days, no one knows how long the container has to wait in the port of arrival, Lomé, and if it will survive the last leg of the journey by rail to Ouagadougou. And then we don’t know how long it will take to clear customs.

It is here at last! Everything is unloaded and sorted by hand. But please bear with us, dear donors, you will of course receive photos from us as soon as possible.

Katrin cannot hide her delight at having toilet rolls from Germany. Such things are mere trifles for us, but here they are the height of luxury.

However, the day was also tinged with a moment of sadness.  You may have read in the newspapers that the German military unit is being withdrawn. These men have been supporting AMPO over the years and they were always received as welcome guests.

That same day they brought along 4 generators which AMPO was able to purchase at a bargain price. Our facilities, especially the Clinic, are now able to cope with the frequent power cuts.

Our thanks go to all of you!

Urgently required delivery arrives

What would become of the people in Burkina Faso without the incredible support and assistance of our wonderful action medeor partners?

AMPO has received another huge delivery of medicines urgently needed in Ouagadougou where our Clinic treats up to 90,000 patients, mostly women and children, free of charge.

Many of these people have survived the worst, some of them fleeing from terrorists in the rural areas, as we have just heard from the Barsalogho district where 600 were killed  in a massacre.

Sadly, events like this are rarely mentioned in our media.

We need strong partners by our side. Thank you, action medeor!

Success story in Kaya

Kaya is a town in the Centre-Nord region, north-east of Ouagadougou. TondTenga, our agricultural college, works together with local rural communities including Kaya.

12 young people formed a cooperative there after completing their training and the town gave them a piece of land which they are now able to cultivate. AMPO donated machines and farm equipment to secure their livliehood and provide food for the community.

It was a great honour when the tribal leader not only approved the initiative, he even  attended the opening. This success story is an indication of the work done by AMPO to secure the future.

All this is thanks to the Fondation Dr. Elvire Engel in Luxemburg, cooperating with AMPO for many years, and underlining the importance of sustainability.

Night of the NGOs in Ouaga – congratulations!

The night of the NGOs (non-governmental organisations) took place once more in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. This is an event organised by the renowned KEREN COMMUNICATION agency.

60 organisations, including AMPO of course, presented at the event last weekend.

And we were thrilled to hear the news from Director General Dénis Yameogo on Saturday evening that AMPO had won the first prize in the humanitarian aid sector.

Thank you for a great job!

Awards of this kind create confidence for all our donors.

Sponsored run by Schloss Plön High School

A great big thanks to the students of Schloss Plön High School!

Some time ago the news reached us that a sponsored run had been organised to raise money for AMPO. They ran unbelievable lengths to the tune of EUR 4,600, one student covered 39 km!

The donation was symbolically handed over on 30th September 2024  to one of our members, Johann Vosteen, who was obviously having a good time and was very impressed by the students.

Plön is very close to the heart of Katrin Rohde, our founder, and we are very happy to see that AMPO is still close to the heart of Plön.

Recent activities

We had a lot going on last week.

On 19.09. we had an opportunity once more to report on our trip to Burkina Faso in Berlin and invited the residents at Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Berolina eG to join us on our journey, sharing all our emotions and impressions.

We were supported by Renate and her husband from the  Alsamar e.V., association who drummed in the evening and prepared a wonderful African finger food buffet.

Back in Hamburg at the church fair on 21.09. we met with great success selling our products. The sun was shining, temperatures rising and our members were there to answer any questions about our products.

Katrin Rohde gave a presentation in Würzburg as part of her lecture tour to schools in the Roth District.

Further details will follow later.

If you would like us to arrange a talk, or if you would like to organise a stall to offer our products, please let us know.

We’re ready to help!

With heart and hand

One of our members, Christine Labudda, spares no effort in her ongoing support for AMPO. Her latest foray was at the open-air theatre festival in Merxhausen.

During the interval at the production of “Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter“ she raised more than 2.900 euros selling chocolate. She regularly asks the manufacturer to donate “second quality“ chocolate which is not sold in normal supermarkets.

She spends a great deal of time wrapping the chocolate and uses her charm to sell it to the theatre-goers.

If you would like to follow her example by doing something similar, Let us know and we will send you supporting information.

1st starting signal: Hand in hand against skills shortage

With 2 strong partners at our side, we were able to hold the first intensive and concrete discussions. Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Berolina, represented by Mr Frank Schrecker (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), agreed to provide accommodation for trainees in the future. And AHK Pflegeteam GmbH, represented by Managing Director Andreas Kröger, is of course also urgently looking for trainees and is ready to help with all the bureaucratic challenges.

We are delighted that we have been able to open the first doors with this concept and are pleased about these constructive discussions!

Are you familiar with the "Spare Cents Initiative"?

Employees of a company voluntarily donate the cent amounts after the decimal point from their net salary each month. In our case, the law firm BRL BOEGE ROHDE LUEBBEHUESEN in Hamburg even tripled the sums received.

A very simple way of helping that doesn't hurt.

Donation from Weltladen Kuppenheim

A wonderful initiative by the Weltladen St. Sebastian and our member Helmut Timper.

This campaign also draws attention to the event on 13 April 2024 in Kuppenheim. Katrin Rohde will be a guest there and talk about her life and the project. ...Press release

Focus on: Burkina Faso

We say thank you!

Dr Bernhard Geiselmann invited us to report on AMPO as part of his own exhibition "In Focus: Burkina Faso". He has been processing his impressions of Burkina Faso in pictures for many years.

The location was provided by Café Möca in the Möckern neighbourhood in Berlin.

After a short introduction, we reported on our own impressions that we were able to gather exactly one year ago.

It was a nice combination and we were pleased to welcome interested visitors.

If you are interested in Dr Geiselmann's pictures or a presentation, please contact our office.

Sommerfest in der Berliner Geschäftsstelle

Glück auf der ganzen Linie … Nach etlichen Regentagen, hatten wir am 07.07. wunderschönes Wetter. So konnten wir für unser Fest auch draußen mit einplanen, und endlich kam mal unser wunderbares Tresenfenster zur Geltung.